Thursday 10 April 2014


I always remember years ago when Glasgow was European City of Culture. I was living in Edinburgh at the time and it really got up a lot of folk's nose that a city full of thick, dirty people, who all lived in slums had been chosen to present a cultural face to Europe. I remember one guy in a pub in Leith, pissed out his head, bits of vomit clinging to his shirt and a large piss stain on his trousers, shouting, "What the fuck diz Glesgy ken aboot culture? If people waant culture they should come tae Edinburry!" It's worth pointing out that this 'hater of all things Glaswegian' was a season-ticket holder at Ibrox!

Culture is a word that gets bandied about a lot these days. The Neo-Nazis of the EDL claim that their 'Inglish coolchah' is being destroyed by Muslims, while our own, Scottish versions of these clowns see their 'culchur an' tradishuns' being eroded by the descendants  of Irish Catholic immigrants. Anthropologists  and human-rights activists are at each others' throats over Middle-Eastern and African cultural traditions like female genital mutilation, marriage and sex with children and 'dry sex'.

At the moment we're being subjected to claims of 'British Culture' by our government, both as part of the desperate 'Better Together' campaign and as an integral part of the lie that 'We're all in it together'. Unfortunately, this 'shared British experience' extends no further than taking part in wars and attempting to enslave half the globe! Apart from that there's not much more to be said about 'British Culture.'

Some folk seem to think that the days when large portions of the world map were coloured pink are still with us. Enter one George (Lord) Robertson, he of the face like a Halloween cake that ended up at the bottom of the shopping bag. He informs us that if the UK is broken up then the world faces revolutions, 'Balkanisation' and dictators running riot. According to Robertson, a vote for independence is a vote for the 'Forces of Darkness.' All the miscreants in the world, it appears, are only stopped by their fear of the UK. What a load of keich! It seems Robertson doesn't realise that this is the Twenty-First Century, not the Nineteenth!

Of course, a 'Better Together' spokesman puts the tin hat on it by saying, “George Robertson is right to say that people need to come together to solve the many problems in our world.” That'll be the same 'Better Together' that includes all the Tories that want to leave the EU? Of course, the real reason for all this scaremongering is added onto the end of Robertson's tirade, when he says that Scottish independence will 'de-stabilise Northern Ireland'. That, of course, is the real reason for the Scottish Establishment's fear of a YES vote.

Robertson has previous for this kind of nonsense, claiming that Scotland has 'no culture of its own'. I wonder how he makes that one out. Yes, we share a common language, even though our regional dialects make it sound as if we are all speaking different ones. Is Robertson, then, going to claim that America has no culture of its own? What about Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados? Like I said, the guy seems to be stuck in a time warp.

Back when I was a teacher I would often be told to do a project about Scotland with my class. I interpreted this differently from other teachers, who would usually do things about the clans, tartans and Scottish kings. I, on the other hand, looked at the way of life of ordinary people in Scotland. This would involve visits to the Edinburgh Story, Glasgow's People's Palace, bringing in older folk to talk and show photos and memorabilia and learning old Street Songs. The pupils would usually be amazed to discover that the lifestyle, leisure activities and children's games and songs have been pretty standard across Scotland.

Quite a few of my brighter pupils discovered for themselves, and pointed out to me, how Scottish working-class culture has been marginalised, especially in their closest city of Edinburgh. The 'shortbread-tin' culture that many NO campaigners accuse the SNP of promoting has actually been imposed on us from outside. It's something the English promoted in the Nineteenth Century as they turned large tracts of Scotland into their playground. Now, it's something that the tourists have come to expect. It's worth noting, however, that most of the shops in Edinburgh selling tartan tat are actually run by Pakistanis!

There are all different ways in which Scotland is different culturally than England. There are places in the Highlands and Islands where people's first language is still Gaelic, the Church of Scotland, with its fierce Presbyterianism is vastly different from that of England, Catholics in Scotland have none of the unquestioning obedience to the Church seen elsewhere and there has been a long tradition of radicalism in Scotland that has always been more intense, active and longer-lasting than that evident in parts of England. Scottish Chartism was a different beast from its counterpart in England, while Red Clydeside had its counterparts in other places in Scotland, but not in England. Scottish radicalism was essential for helping the Liberal Party and then the Labour Party get elected. When huge droves of English people deserted the Liberals and Labour, Scotland always remained true. That's something that George Robertson should remember instead of taking the traditional Scottish vote for granted.

It could be argued that many in Scotland's big cities have more in common with the likes of Liverpool or Manchester than they do with people that live in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Be that as it may, the fact is that we are not currently being governed from Liverpool or Manchester but from London, a place none of us have anything in common with. It's been shown time and time again that the Westminster government's priority is always the South of England, no matter who is in power. It is not inconceivable that some time in the future the likes of Liverpool or Manchester might want to join an independent Scotland to escape thralldom to the selfishness of London and the Home Counties. They'd be more than welcome!

As usual, the arguments coming from the 'Better Together' camp contain nothing but doom and gloom. I've yet to hear one positive reason for staying in the Union; all I've heard is how bad things will allegedly be if Scotland becomes independent. Strangely the English media is normally calling us benefit junkies and go out of their way to argue that we rely on the hard-working tax payers in the South of England to keep us going. If they honestly believe this then it begs the obvious question: why are they so desperate to hold onto us?

"Guess what? Ah'm no' deid at aw. Noo Ah'm jist waitin' ma chance fur world domination. D'ye know the only thing that's stoappin' mae? Ah'm scared-y the mighty United Kingdom, especially wae Scotland in it. See if Scotland leaves it then that's me gonnae pyoor get stuck intae everybody, so Ah um. Aye, a vote fur independence is a vote fur Al Qaeda!"

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